
Saturday, 18 April 2015

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Annamalai University ME MTech MCA Time Table 2015 Relased

Annamalai University ME/MTech/MCA Time Table 2015 Relased/ Annamalai University TimeTable 2015 for M.Tech/ME/MCA 2015 Date Sheet &Exam Dates Announced on official website

Annamalai University had released up the M.E./M.Tech. and M.C.A. Time Table 2015. This has been predicted judiciously by all the experts of the University that the students must be waiting very eagerly for the time table to be declared. All the students who have taken M.E./M.Tech. and M.C.A as their education courses can get their timetable issued by the Annamalai University.

Students need to visit the official website of the Annamalai University for getting the Time Table 2015. The official website of the commission is as follows- The process is very convenient and easy going.

Through the official webpage of the Annamalai University students could access all the important details about the university also. On the official webpage there would be a link of Exam Time Tables that would easily redirect you to the Time tables section. In the Time tables section you need to click on the M.E./M.Tech. And M.C.A Time Table 2015 and the time table will be in  the front of the desired student. Students could take the print out of the time table also as per their necessities. For further queries or details visit the official website of the Annamalai University, Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu.

Click here to Download Annamalai University ME/MTech/MCA DateSheet 2015


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